Legal Comedy: Antony Starr and Travis Scott Discussing Legal Matters

Antony Starr Travis Scott
Hey Travis, have you seen the latest LG TV user agreements for 2022? They’re getting longer every year! Oh man, I know what you mean. It’s like reading a novel just to watch TV. And have you checked out the Comcast business DNS settings guide? It’s so confusing!
Speaking of complicated legal stuff, did you hear about the latest Berkeley Law ranking? It’s always interesting to see where they stand compared to other schools. Yeah, I saw that. They always seem to be at the top. And what about the DC Airbnb rules? I can never keep track of what’s allowed and what’s not.
Have you looked into the Dalhousie Business admission requirements for next year? It’s like they make it harder every time. Yeah, it’s a tough program to get into. But if you need any legal advice, I know a great legal expert who can help you out.
Hey, thanks for the recommendation. And have you heard of the South Africa Legal Information Institute? They have some great free legal resources. Yeah, I’ve used them before. It’s always good to have access to reliable legal information. And speaking of legal stuff, have you dealt with procurement agreements before?
Oh yeah, those can be tricky. And I recently came across a guide on standard form contract of purchase and sale in BC. It’s quite insightful. Interesting! And if you ever need to send a legal notice via email, make sure to follow the proper requirements and process.